Saturday, March 28, 2009

Been a long long time

Since i've updated this dear old blog of mine
I need followers
And i greatly need a holiday
On the beach would be preferable
In the sun
So i can finally, for once in my life, get a tan
Alot of people have been noticing the fact that i'm extremely white
Im starting to question whether im a borderline albino
And who actually gets to decide whether youre white enough to be albino ?
I suppose it's something to think about

Lately i've developed quite the obsession for Noel Fielding and Russell Brand
Enough that my mother will probably kill me for the amount of gigs i've used
I should probably check that later
But honestly, they are absolutely gorgeous
And it's silly not to ogle them
Oh well.
I really have nothing else to write today
And i have an english essay that, unfortunately, will not write itself.
Till next time fellow bloggers,
Peace xx

P.S. Wtf at 'till next time fellow bloggers' ?
Somethins is deeply wrong with me.


  1. you are not albino and yes, 'tis i who chooses who is albino and who isn't.

    til next time you weird blogger, salute.

    and don't forget i'm here to help with the essay :)

  2. it runs in the family chrissy.
    although i have now gotten and weird tan on my stomach due to my sleeping at the beach.

    you stay away from russell brand!
    he's mine :)
