i wish i lived in the 60's :(
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
I am now officially a music news writer :D
Thanks to killyourstereo.com who were recently looking for volunteers to write news articles
They added me to admin this afternoon
And i posted my first bit of news about 10 minutes ago
go check it :
and tell me if its good or not :D
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Drunken words speak sober thoughts.
So today is my Dad's 39th birthday and last night he had his party. I went out last night so by the time i got home everyone that was still here was well and truly smashed. At about midnight i was sitting down in front of the fire listening to my mum and my brother arguing, like they do when they drink. And Matt, who's like practically family, came and sat down next to me and started talking to me. And the stuff he was asking me, like about my mum and my brother and family in general, really made me think. And realise. It's strange how it takes an outsider to show you what you're really like, why you do things. Why you work hard, don't work hard, strive to reach your goals, flunk out, etc. And it's even stranger the fact that he was trashed. So i guess the phrase drunken words speak sober thoughts really does mean something. It's not just one of those old sayings that means nothing in this day and age.
I also realised how much i love the fact that we have family friends like Matt and Greg and their families, because they do so much for us. And me. Greg's the one that taught me to ride dirtbikes, and he's given me a few driving lessons. Matt taught to use an overhead fishing reel, and catch Sharks out at sea.
Without outsiders, strangers, family friends, none of us would probably be the people are. I know i wouldn't.
Friday, September 25, 2009
So i've been thinking lately. I don't know why. Exams are done with for the next month or so. But life in general. Especially my family.
My parents have started giving me so much freedom the last couple of months. its confusing me. mind you i'm not challenging it, i just feel kinda guilty. Like, i haven't done anything to deserve being allowed to, like for example, catch a train from Milson's Point to Liverpool at 11.00 at night and then catch a taxi home by myself. But i love my parents. They're so awesome. I have so much in common with them. My Dad and I dance, head bang, sing, laugh, work together. My mum and I shop, sing, clean, watch tv, read and gosh i dunno. I just do so much with them. My Dads selling his dirtbike soon (which is like his pride and joy, besides his Harley Davidson of course) so he can get me a bigger dirtbike. 'Cause i've outgrown my little 200cc. And he's buying me my first roadbike, which if he gets his way will cost about 6k. The other week my mum spent like 200$ on me just 'cause i asked for a couple new dresses, which were like $20 each. And it's like, why?! I've never been one to ask for stuff, i make do with what i have. I don't come from a loaded family, we rarely have much money left for spending anyway. But thats what happens when both your parents work for TAFE huh. I hate accepting things off other people. Like when i go to someones house, i don't like accepting food or a drink even if im starving or dehydrated.
Life is strange in that sense.
My relationship with God is getting stronger lately though. And i have people like Lillian to thank for that. She's such an inspiration. Just the way she carries herself and lives everyday for God. I don't know what i'd do if it wasn't for her. Even if she doesn't directly realise how much she helps me. Though on that note i'm also going through a bit of a dry season. Which is killing me. Seasons are so annoying. No. Dry seasons are annoying. I've just been so stressed. I've been neglecting my faith. I need a new bible too. One with a meta cover. You know those pretty ones? yeah.
But, i think that's enough blogging for now.
I will continue this tomorrow. Because i have a fair bit more to type.
I need sleep and a good book :)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Bob Dylan. His cover of Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen) is so good. His voice is so passionate. And ah. Sends chills down my spine.
Definately worth youtubing if you havent heard it <3
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
This morning my dad made me stay home 'cause of the dust, yeah. And i didnt go back to sleep cause i was already awake and all so i watched a bit of the tele and came on the computerr and then i got bored so i made muffins (which are great by the way). But then i was super bored so i decided to watch a dvd. I was gunna watch Atonement but then i decided to watch The Crow cause my mum bought it on the weekend and said i'd really like it. And my gosh she was right. Its such a good movie. I even cried at the end, and i dont think its a movie youre supposed to cry in. Well, not the audience it was originally intended for anyway. I think. But oh my gosh. I cant get over how good it was. Brandon Lee is so good in it too. And i find him oddly attractive. In a weird, dead goth kinda way, y'know ? But yeah. I definately think you should all go out and buy it! Its like $15 or something at Big W.
Oh! And a week ago i posted a tiny tiny blog telling you's all how i got an email that i was really excited about and i thought you should be too. Yeah well i still haven't got a reply to my reply and it's starting to really frustrate me. Aaargh. But oh well. If its not here by next Wednesday i'm gunna forget about it.
Peace out homies!
No need to go visit Mars anymore
Not after waking up to this. Well, not the harbour bridge, but yknow, the dust storm. Omgsh it was so exciting. Never seen/been in a dust storm before. And i got the day off too. Mum & dad forced me to stay home. I didnt complain :D
Its pretty much gone now. My neighbours car has dust all over it. Pretty awesome aye.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Falling Whistles

The story behind the foundation is about a man who goes to congo to give shoes to children, and meets a woman who shows him children in a camp. All the children in the camp were snatched from their homes, their families, their lives. The eldest is 15. They are trained to be soldiers. The conditions in which they are forced to live is absolutely horrific. There is no sanitation. They are constantly beaten, raped. I'll admit it took me ages to read through the site, mainly because i was crying.
The story hit a raw nerve. My dream is to go and help less fortunate kids when i leave school. To help. Make a difference. But until then all i can do is support organisations like this one, like Invisible Children.
The name Falling Whistles is derived from the fact that the youngest of the 'soldiers' are forced to be in the front line of battle, with nothing but whistles, to 'ward off the enemy'. Obviously we all know that won't work. So do the children. All they are is bullet bags. They're there in the hope that they will cop all the bullets instead of the men. Who actally have guns.
It is because of this that one of the main ways to support the organisation is to buy a whistle necklace. All proceeds go to freeing children in Congo.
I honestly hope that alot of people try and help this cause. The necklaces are $30US or $40US. Depending which one. But its worth it. And plus, what are you gunna spend that money on anyway? Maccas? Id rather have freedom, my family, and my life anyday.
P.S. I am going to repost this every few days or so. Just 'cause i constantly want it on my site.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
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