Sunday, September 27, 2009

Drunken words speak sober thoughts.

So today is my Dad's 39th birthday and last night he had his party. I went out last night so by the time i got home everyone that was still here was well and truly smashed. At about midnight i was sitting down in front of the fire listening to my mum and my brother arguing, like they do when they drink. And Matt, who's like practically family, came and sat down next to me and started talking to me. And the stuff he was asking me, like about my mum and my brother and family in general, really made me think. And realise. It's strange how it takes an outsider to show you what you're really like, why you do things. Why you work hard, don't work hard, strive to reach your goals, flunk out, etc. And it's even stranger the fact that he was trashed. So i guess the phrase drunken words speak sober thoughts really does mean something. It's not just one of those old sayings that means nothing in this day and age.
I also realised how much i love the fact that we have family friends like Matt and Greg and their families, because they do so much for us. And me. Greg's the one that taught me to ride dirtbikes, and he's given me a few driving lessons. Matt taught to use an overhead fishing reel, and catch Sharks out at sea.
Without outsiders, strangers, family friends, none of us would probably be the people are. I know i wouldn't.

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